Looking Back at Semester 1
My group is under Dr. Hassibi for Machine Learning. This semester we have studying Machine Learning but more specifically: graph clustering algorithms. We tested a lot of algorithms on Zachary's Karate Dataset but what was more important than implementing them was understanding them. A lot of the algorithms were math intensive so in order to really understand why algorithms work the way they do, we focused on explaining the math. In order to see how many options there are to cluster the Karate dataset, algorithms were assigned after each meeting. Some algorithms that I did were Spectral Clustering, Girvan Newman, and more recently Fuzzy c-means. Karate Club Dataset Aside from learning new algorithms, I think my Caltech experiences have helped me improve in other ways. For instance, when I began, I did not know a lot of linear algebra, but after studying math-centered subjects for a couple months, I have gotten into the habi...