Zachary's Karate Club Technical Journal 2
The Problem: My last technical journal for this dataset can be found on the home page but here's a short summary: Zachary’s Karate Club is a social network of a karate club that captures 34 members and records links with pairs of interacting members as edges. During the study, the karate club had split into two (between John and Mr. Hi), coincidentally also dividing the members into the two factions. The task at hand is to determine/predict which members would stick with John or leave with Mr. Hi. This is an example of an algorithm splitting the 34 members into two groups, indicated by the color difference The Algorithm: Previously I've tried many algorithms like K-nearest-neighbor but all of those have proven not applicable to this graph dataset. However , I was fortunate enough to have found an algorithm that sounds promising: Community Detection/Girvan-Newman Algorithm. Here's a basic rundown on how the code works: Girvan-Newman Algorithm (In...