Technical Journal - Dataset
Ramya Korlakai Vinayak, a graduate from Caltech under Prof. Babak Hassibi, graciously offered us a dataset that was labeled using MTurk (Amazon Mechanical Turk), a crowdsourcing marketplace. The folder contained four MatLab files: Birds5EdgeQuery300workers , Birds5TriangleQuery285workers , Dogs3EdgeQuery300workers , and Dogs3TriangleQuery320workers . The naming convention is as follows: Animal Classified + Number of Breeds + Comparison Query Method + Number of workers. It is still vague as to which one we will use for our project but they are all very similar in some sense. Each file has 6 variables: Adj : Adjacency matrix under standard rules (and -1 = unobserved) AdjWithMultiples : Adj with entries observed more than once due to random queries CAdj : logical, mapping matrix to tell if an edge is observed (1) or not (0) count : number of edges observed (no multiples) groundtruth : actual breed of the animal m : number of nodes in the graph ...